Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Journal on Ch4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Journal on Ch4 - Essay Example I tend to believe that the module of inquiry-based instruction also enables teachers to make the learning (of science mostly) easy, not only conveying it. It is because the learners are enabled to bear responsibility for their knowledge and understanding of what they study and construct. I strongly agree with the information provided in the chapter, that it is difficult to conduct the analysis of these studies. It is true that the variations in the terms used to define the instructional methods (BSC 2006). I don’t think other contemporary instructional techniques are superior to inquiry-based approaches unless they are evaluated wholly. The assessment of superiority among various instructional techniques should be based on the effectiveness of the variables involved and the level of interest the study mode invokes. The comparison should also involve the feelings of success and the level of excitement each instructional technique awakens. In also have the conviction that inquiry-based instruction technique can contribute significantly to the effectiveness of my teaching. It is for the simple fact that the technique engages both the teacher and the learners in the learning activity and to bear responsibility for making their knowledge and understanding (BSC 2006). Though the inquiry levels may vary, learners can prioritize evidence, compose explanations, evaluate their descriptions, and justify their proposed descriptions. As a teacher, the method is, therefore, helpful in facilitating my teaching

Monday, October 28, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example for Free

Business Ethics Essay In a narrative format, discuss the key facts and critical issues presented in the case. Word count: 158 Countrywide Financial began in 1969 and by 2000 was one of the nations largest lenders (Ferrell, 2010). In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Countrywide Financial offered subprime mortgage loans. Subprime mortgage loans were loans that were offered to people who would not ordinarily be able to qualify for conventional loans because of Income, lack of credit or low credit score. Because of the structure of these mortgage loans, people found It hard to make payments when the economy slowed down. The real estate market and the economy was negatively affected by the large number of people who were unable to make payments on their mortgages. Countrywide Financials earnings were posltlve until 2007, when the economy slowed and real estate prices dropped. In 2008, Bank of America bought Countrywide Financial. Bank of America had more assets that could handle the crisis, and Bank of America would be able to handle the ethical investigations involving Countrywides questionable lending practices. Reference: Ferrell, O. C. (2010). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, 8th Ed.. Cengage Learning What were the incentives for Countrywide to write so many subprime loans? Word count: 168 Countrywide Financial benefited financially from offering subprime mortgage loans. Since the interest rate, fees and terms of subprime mortgages are typically higher than conventional loans, the lenders are able to profit from this type of loan (Moulton ; Bozeman, 2011). Between 1982 and 2003, Countrywide reported substantial earnings, and the offered profitable returns on stock investors. By offering mortgages and loans to borrowers who would not ordinarily qualify, the ees and interest were collected from thousands of borrowers with this type of loan. They also extended loan privileges to a large amount of the population who would not ordinarily be able to own homes. I feel that Countrywide Financials Incentive for offering subprime mortgage loans was for financial benefit. I believe that they should have known the effects these types of loans would have If the economy took a downturn. They were too Interested In the profits to be made and continued the practice despite the negative effects It would have on people and the country as a whole. Moulton, S. , Bozeman, B. (2011). The Pulicness of Policy Environments: An Evaluation of Subprime Mortgage Lending. Journal of Public Administration Reseach Theory, 21(1), 87-115. dot:10. 1093/jopart/muq005 Ferrell, O. C. (2010). Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, 8th Ed. , What was Countrywides logic in thinking that originating loans for people with poor credit ratings would result in positive outcomes? Word count: 182 Before the real estate crisis, the subprime mortgage industry was praised for helping people attain homeownership (Ferrell, 2010). Subprime mortgages helped minorities and lower income people be able to afford to own a home. At the time, it was thought of as a positive financial tool. Since there were more people being able to attain loans to own a home, other industries benefited from the effects of the subprime mortgage practice. Contractors, the building supply industry and real estate agencies were all profiting from these lending practices. It seemed that these types of loans were helping many industries. In a speech given by Govenor Edward Gramlich in May, 2004 (www. federalreserve. v), he spoke of these lending practices and said the increased availability of subprime mortgage credit has created new opportunities for homeownership and has allowed previously credit-constrained homeowners to borrow against the equity in their homes to meet a variety of needs.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Aristotle, Temperance, Pleasure, and Pain :: Philosophy Research Papers

Aristotle, Temperance, Pleasure, and Pain(1) ABSTRACT: Aristotle argues that temperance is the mean concerned with pleasure and pain (NE 1107b5-9 and 1117b25-27). Most commentators focus on the moderation of pleasures and hardly discuss how this virtue relates to pain. In what follows, I consider the place of pain in Aristotle’s discussion of temperance and resolve contradictory interpretations by turning to the following question: is temperance ever properly painful? In part one, I examine the textual evidence and conclude that Aristotle would answer no to our question. The temperate person does not feel pain at the absence of appropriately desired objects. In parts two and three, I reconstruct some reasons why Aristotle would hold such a view based. My discussion here is based upon Aristotle’s discussion of continence and the unity of the virtues. While the accounts of temperance in the Eudemian Ethics and the Nichomachean Ethics share some similarities, the treatment of the topic in the latter is much more developed.(2) As Charles Young argues, Aristotle draws a distinction between common appetites and peculiar appetites. The appetite for food when one hasn’t eaten for several hours is a common, natural appetite. The appetite for a particular food or a particular amount is peculiar. Temperance most properly concerns the peculiar appetites, because, Aristotle says, people don’t tend to go wrong about common appetites since the appetite disappears with replenishment (NE 1118b15-19).(3) A further refinement in the Nicomachean account comes at 1119a16-20. Here Aristotle distinguishes between pleasures conducive to health (called healthful foods by Young) and pleasures that do not interfere with health (called treats by Young). On this more positive account of temperance, one has temperance just in case one’s peculiar appetites for food, sex, and drink are determined by judgments about the contribution to or compatibility with healthfulness.(4) One nice result of this account is that temperance loses any connotations of austerity that it might have had. For a temperate person, on Aristotle’s account, enjoys treats to the extent that they are compatible with health. This quick summary of the Nicomachean and Eudemian treatments of temperance, while showing some of the subtlety of Aristotle’s position, has selectively omitted a range of issues. The focus has been on pleasure rather than pain. Clearly the intemperate person enjoys consuming foods to an excess. However, it also surely is true that the intemperate person is pained by the absence of those peculiar things he desires.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Critical Analysis of Shakespeare’s Macbeth Essay

When you hear the name: William Shakespeare, you usually think of elaborately written plays with a good main character and a bad minor character, battling it out in the name of good and evil, or even a tale of â€Å"star crossed† lovers; but in the case of his play, â€Å"Macbeth,† none of those are completely true, for the main character in the play is the evil one. â€Å"Macbeth† is a twisted story where you learn many of the characters view points, and you can almost see inside the head of evil Macbeth, and the events that take place in part of his lifetime. The story begins with Duncan, the king of Scotland, finding out that the thane of Cawdor had betrayed him, and later hears of one of his noblemen’s, Macbeth, loyalty to the throne, so declares him the new thane. Meanwhile, Macbeth and another nobleman, Banquo, meet three witches that give Macbeth three predictions: That he will become the thane of Glamis, the thane of Cawdor, and then shall become king. Since Macbeth already had the title of thane of Glamis passed down to him from his father, and Ross tells him that he is the new thane of Cawdor, Macbeth believes that all of the prophecies are coming true. When Macbeth informs his wife, Lady Macbeth, of this, she wishes to become queen so much, that she presses Macbeth to plot and murder King Duncan while he sleeps in their castle. After his murder, Duncan’s sons fear a plot on the royal family and flee, therefore making Macbeth the king of Scotland. Throughout the rest of the play, Macbeth is slowly overwhelmed by greed, while Lady Macbeth slowly goes crazy from guilt and kills herself. Finally, in an upheaval of revenge for Macbeth killing his family, another nobleman named Macduff kills Macbeth in a duel and Duncan’s son, Malcom rightfully takes the throne. The story of â€Å"Macbeth† elaborates and is based on four major themes: Greed for power compels and blinds you, what goes around, comes around, guilt is overwhelming, and evil tends to come from a masculine figure. The most major theme, I’d say, is that greed for power drives one to do unnatural things, and even blinds you from seeing what is right. This is evident throughout the whole play. One of the first examples of this is in act one, scene three, when Macbeth is speaking aside and thinking of murder to become king; he says, â€Å"My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, /  Shakes so my single state of man that function / Is smothered in surmise, and nothing is / But what is not.† Another example of this is again in act I, scene five when Lady Macbeth reads a letter written by Macbeth telling her of the witches predictions, and instantly thinks of killing king Duncan so she would become queen. Macbeth is slightly hesitant at first, realizing the situation, but goes along with the idea once Lady Macbeth threatens him and calls him a coward. Lady Macbeth draws up a plan to make it appear as the guards outside of Duncan’s room murdered him, and the once loyal Macbeth, commits treason and murderers his king in cold blood. Macbeth had wanted kingdom so much that he was willing to kill for it, as was his wife. This proves also true in act III when Macbeth remembers that the witches also gave a prediction to his friend, Banquo: â€Å"Thou shall get kings, though thou be none.† (I, iii), but he believes that his descendants should be the ones who inherit the throne, not Banquo’s. Remembering this, he hires three murderers to kill him and his son, Fleance, so only Macbeth’s children shall rein after him. Macbeth is overrun by greed throughout the whole play, and in Act IV, he goes to see the witches again, to get more predictions. He learns from three apparitions that he should beware of Macduff, he can’t be killed by one born of a woman, and he won’t be killed until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane. Macduff is so blinded by his greed and glory as king, that he doesn’t fully think over the last three predictions and believes himself to be unstoppable. He doesn’t see the true meaning of them, which leads to his downfall and death when Macduff, who was born C-sectioned, raises an army who disguise themselves with branches from Birnam Wood, attack and eventually kill him. Another theme from â€Å"Macbeth† is the theory that what goes around, comes around. Usually when one commits a crime or even does good, it comes back and repeats itself in some way, which occurs throughout the length of the play. Macbeth plans and commits many murders during the course of the story: Duncan, the two guards, Banquo, Macduff’s family, and Young Siward, without any immediate punishment. However, murder eventually makes it’s way back to him through revenge by Malcom and Macduff, and even Banquo. Malcom, trying to reclaim the throne for the good of Scotland, and his late father, raises an army in England to try and take back over his rightful kingdom, he states, â€Å"Let’s make us med’cines of our great revenge, / To cure this deadly grief.† (IV, iii). Banquo’s ghost even tries to get revenge on Macbeth by haunting him in act III. However, Macduff is the one who gets true revenge. Macbeth had his family murdered because he feared that Macduff suspected him of treason, and when Macduff hears of this, he wants immediate compensation. He goes with Malcom and the English forces to Dunsinane and murders Macbeth in a duel, therefore showing that since Macbeth committed murder, someone came back and murdered him, or â€Å"What goes around, comes around.† Guilt, usually in all senses, is always overwhelming. Many people can not commit a crime or lie without feeling the wrath of their own guilt afterward, and that is also true throughout â€Å"Macbeth.† You want to believe that someone is normal if they have a wave of guilt after doing something wrong, and you see this through Macbeth during the first scene. Macbeth wants to be king, so he thinks of murdering Duncan, but then chastises himself afterward for thinking of it, because of his guilt. However, Lady Macbeth calls him a coward and talks him into doing it; she is basically the spark that begins all of his greed. You see another example of Macbeth feeling guilty after the murder of Duncan when he says that he could not even utter the word â€Å"amen† after a prayer. Lady Macbeth also receives her share of guilt in the story, and probably the worst dose of it. First of all, she can’t murder king Duncan herself because â€Å"Had he not resembled / [Her] father as he slept, [she] had done’t.† (II, ii). Obviously guilt had overtaken her because Duncan reminded her of her father, and she couldn’t kill him. However, she did plan it, and that guilt was overbearing enough for her. It made her have hallucinations in her sleep, which caused her to sleepwalk and talk to herself. Eventually, it got the best of her and she ended up committing suicide because the amount of guilt bottled up inside of her was too much to handle. One of the final, less noticeable themes to Macbeth happens to be the fact that evil seems to come mostly from a masculine figure. You see this in many cases involving Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. For example, Lady Macbeth is trying to get the courage to kill Duncan and she says, â€Å"Come, you spirits / That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, / And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full / Of direst cruelty!† (I, v), which means that she wishes to be able to be cruel and kill like a man would, almost showing that women were not capable of having such evil thoughts in those times. Lady Macbeth also criticizes Macbeth when he doesn’t want to kill Duncan, and makes fun of him by calling him a coward and unmanly. Both of those statements made by Lady Macbeth show that at least Shakespeare believed that most people thought that evil usually comes from a masculine figure. Even though he made Lady Macbeth the woman who planned it, she was asking to become more masculi ne to do the deed. Another fact that supports that theme was after Macduff found out about the murder, and is speaking to Lady Macbeth about the it he says, â€Å"O gentle lady, / ‘Tis not for you to hear what I can speak: / The repetition, in a woman’s ear, / Would murder as it fell.† (II, iii). Macduff basically tells Lady Macbeth that the gruesome details shouldn’t be heard by a woman because women are so â€Å"delicate,† meaning that one couldn’t even begin to commit and evil deed such as murder. As you can see, Shakespeare created his play, â€Å"Macbeth† a little bit out of the norm by making the main character evil, and incorporating many everyday themes into it that can still be recognized and applied to life today. Those major themes were that greed for power is compelling and blinding, which is displayed by Macbeth killing for what he wants; what goes around, comes around, which is showed by Macduff and Malcom getting revenge on Macbeth; guilt is overpowering, which is incorporated into the story by Lady Macbeth feeling so guilty, she kills herself; and finally, evil tends to be seen as coming from a masculine figure, which is proven through quotes said by Lady Macbeth. All in all, Shakespeare’s masterpiece, â€Å"Macbeth,† allows it’s readers to easily see the effects of guilt, greed, and it’s other themes, which contribute to it’s greatness and even it’s simplicity.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Book Report on `A Young Woman’s Mathematical Journey In Code

They say some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them. In case of Sarah, did she achieve greatness? The answer to this question is both yes and no! How she can achieve greatness, where was the time for it?She was just sixteen, a tender age not even good enough to fall in love, and yet the word ‘great’ was firmly implanted on her. Was greatness thrust upon her? The answer to this question is firm ‘No!’   The part of the statement that befits her is that she is born great. Her illustrious mathematical journey had arrived at the sterling landmark at that young age.This work is both knowledge and enjoyment. The brilliance of the students comes to the fore at the Undergraduate and University levels. That is the time when the Professors spot the intelligent, brilliant and the brilliant among the brilliant students. But Sarah’s extraordinary brilliance must have been spotted when she was in the kindergarten. This is so, because, her father was a renowned Professor of Mathematics.Academic studies do matter for students like Sarah, but such genius children invariably study in the College of Self-Education, where their mind is their Principal. Their initiative, their Professors! Their hard work, their tutors! They are ambitious and industrious. They decide upon a project; start, act and finish.â€Å"The eldest among five children, Flannery went to high school at Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal in Blarney, where she gave a science fair presentation on cryptography. In researching RSA encryption, she created her own encryption algorithm, which earned her an Esat Young Scientist Exhibition and later an Intel Fellows Achievement Award.She went to college at the University of Cambridge, graduating in 2003 with a degree in computer engineering. Now she works for American video game developer Electronic Arts.†(Planet†¦)In brief, what the book is about†¦.This book is the mathematician’s deli ght. How the serious subject like mathematics, can be interspersed with humor. Her introduction to the book itself fascinates and kindles curiosity. By reading it, you realize why she attained instant fame which she richly deserves.In introduction she gives details about public-key cryptography, the RSA algorithm and the alternate algorithm that she created. The lucid style and control on the language required to deal with mathematical explanations is the strong point of the book.Genius has nothing to do with the age. Therefore, forget for a while that a teenager is the author of the book, yet you can not forget that lovely and inspiring face of the author in the cover page of the book! Unless known in advance, you will find it difficult to believe that she is the owner of such a brilliant brain. You probably think that this book is the creation of an experienced Professor, well researched from a long list of bibliography.The book begins in an orthodox style. Instead of saying somet hing about the author straightaway, the book gives description with pages of family background. That again is about mathematics, because her father was the Professor of mathematics.   A long section, titled, â€Å"Early Challenges† follows. This is where the challenges for the readers are thrown. They are recollections of her past.The mention of about a dozen puzzles is made. She owned them from her father, told for the benefit of Sarah and her brothers. David Flannery, their father was the mentor of mathematics as well. The description for each puzzle is given along with an invitation for the reader to try to solve the same, before trying to locate the solution provided in the book elsewhere. Your chances of success are not very bright. A black-board in the dining room!That is bound to happen when you have four sons and a daughter, all interested in the serious study of mathematics. On the blackboard, new puzzle was recorded each day for them to work on. Like, â€Å"Given a five-liter jar and a three-liter jar and an unlimited supply of water, how do you measure out four liters exactly?†Some got into more difficult concepts: â€Å"How might you determine the average earnings of a group of people in a room (at a class reunion, perhaps) without any individual's divulging his or her salary?† the second puzzle has the latent message, which forms part of the theme all through the book.That is to try getting information and hiding information. With such intelligent invitations the readers become part of the proceedings in the book. It is no effort to score over the reader but to win the reader in a positive style. It is to encourage him, and no to affront one with the exhibition of intelligence. Those who think that this is a book on the subject of mathematics which is bound to have the serious start will have peasant surprise to be greeted with mind-boggling puzzles.Fame and Publicity and thereafter†¦.She received instant fame, became a celebrity in mathematics overnight, but she was humble about her achievements. Here she speaks beyond her age refuses to expand like the balloon with inflated ego. â€Å"I have no doubt that I am not a genius,†she declares.â€Å"I am not being falsely modest. Through my father’s classes I have seen examples of true genius and I know I do not possess that ‘insight’ that distinguishes geniuses from those regarded as merely intelligent.†(p. 243). Those who read the book were sure about her impending success in the world of mathematics. She was the worthy mathematics daughter of a worthy mathematics Professor.Next to puzzles†¦.She attempts the most original aspect of the subject of mathematics problems that take her to the position and fame sky-rocketing. Overnight she is a world-figure as for mathematics. The subject matter for any national level competition has got to be the unique one. She was to enter the Esat Irish Young Scientist’s Co mpettion-1998.The project on cryptography was done by her at the suggestion and instance of her father. Her project will throw light on various cryptographic techniques, providing the account of the famous RSA algorithm. The mention and discussion of all these things is initiated at page 40 of the book, she discuses learning the relevant mathematics and the programming involved.Then her father takes over the mathematical literature for the next 110 pages, and you catch up with Sarah again in page number 150.These pages contain mathematical exposition authored by David Flannery. They provide the basics of cryptography, and to understand it, is not the easiest of the propositions. He introduces thoroughly RSA algorithms at this stage.When Sarah takes over at page number 150, she is at the threshold of the fame that is about to engulf her young personality. She gets tremendous response for her project that fetches her several prizes, and she is inspired to prepare for another ambitious and prestigious entry –the Rafe Jones at Brown University.She is on the second step of the ladder of success. She undergoes a week-long internship at a Dublin cryptography company, and notices several techniques. Thereafter, she devises an alternative algorithm to the RSA and that is the flagship issue of her new project.The results achieved by her are astounding. Her method is simple matrix multiplication instead of the relatively cumbersome modular exponentiation of the RSA. Her algorithm runs twenty times faster. It is christened by her as the Cayley Purser algorithm, the 19th century British mathematician Arthur Cayley as also Michael Purser, the mathematician whose ideas caught her imagination during her internship.She runs in to the thick of the issues now-she proves how the new algorithm is secure from certain kinds of attacks and it becomes the mathematical odyssey for her, wherein she is required to explore and master the cobweb of not too familiar mathematics. Such a situation is the testing time for any student of mathematics.It was probing the new waters for the first time with lots of hopes of positive results, but also with the fear of disappointment, should anything go wrong, at the most unsuspected moment. Mathematics is such a subject where there is no scope for errors. You have got to be accurate, as otherwise the whole edifice built by you step by step will collapse.â€Å"All of this was an unusual experience for me,† she writes, â€Å"but I had a great feeling of excitement. I think it was because I was working on something that no one had worked on before. I worked constantly for whole days on end, and it was exhilarating† (p. 208).To get the worthy solution, you need to have a strong problem. That was the situation Sarah, luckily found she in. The thesis problem provided lots of enthusiasm to her to go ahead. With the finalization of the thesis problem, she considered her to be lucky.The problem was of her creation a nd she was bent upon to own the responsibility to solve it herself. She began to put extra efforts and worked desperately to find the authentic solution.She reaped the dividends for her sincere efforts, she was able to prove that Cayley Purser algorithm had strong defenses and it can withstand successfully attack from a large family. She provides the detailed description to judge her new project, both algorithm and proof, in the 1999 Irish Young Scientist competition.An inventive mind is always excited about any new achievement-you decide on a problem for you and then solve it successfully. Same was the case with Sarah.When you smell success, when you have positive indications that you are nearing solution, the excitement is all the more. At that stage Sarah burnt the midnight oil to continue her sincere efforts. Success had to kneel before her; she showed the strong defense for the Cayley-Purser algorithm in the face of multi-pronged family attacks. She gives the detailed account, step by step, how her project needs to be judged, and the related explanation for the algorithm, with unassailable proofs.In the 1999 Irish Young Scientists Competition., she quotes from her journal, â€Å"On one occasion,† she writes, â€Å"I looked out of our little huddle and it felt really strange—our conversation was so very intense that just to look around was like coming up for air† (p. 222). The finest moment of her judging was, she writes: â€Å"Before they left, [the judge] asked me the simplest question of all, and I could see he was wondering whether or not I would be able to answer it.The answer was the fast exponentiation algorithm, and I must have smiled before I replied, because I knew it was the perfect end to the perfect session. I had been able to defend my project at all levels. The last question was a check to see if I knew the fundamentals. They smiled at each other on my final answer, which I’ll never forget.† (p. 223).It was the perfect culmination. The excitement was about how gracefully Sarah walked up to the stage to accept the title of Irish Young Scientist of the Year. It was one of the extraordinary moments of her life. The charm of youth was on her side.And the algorithm she talked held excellent possibility of rich dividends. The inquisitive media stood alerted and the unexpected bonus arrived, when London Times front-paged an article on her mathematical exploits. Overnight she entered the portals of stardom in mathematics. It did not take long time to transform her academic achievements towards the commercial gain.The would-be cryptograph entrepreneurs were seeking her services. She received many offers to give lectures in Singapore. Mention of her name was made in the official magazine of the Spice Gils. She also received a request from Profile Books in London to write up the experiences and all that prompted to advance on the tough path of mathematics.The budding young mathematician’s book had the firs print order of 35,000 copies, the marketing budget of $ 65,000 and an eight-city author-tour.About the contents of the book, Sarah often   sweetly apologizes for going deep into number theory; before explaining matrices, she writes, â€Å"I promise that from then on there will be no more explicit mathematics, only light explanations of mathematical ideas.†The hard-core mathematics in the book is restricted to two chapters. For those who wish to learn more, there are appendices. Her main project is about how the most famous current encoding system works, and in the meantime, she had invented one of her own. She takes extensive pains to explain both the systems and goes deep into the number theory along the route.With the winning of the prize, fame and the monetary gains consequential to the fame arrived like an avalanche. Pepsi wanted her to concede that the mathematics brain and that of the family was due to lavish consumption of Pepsi, but the offer of c ontract was promptly turned down. A good mathematical calculation viewed from the humanitarian angle; they were aware perhaps of the harmful effects of such addictive drinks on the health of the younger generation!â€Å"I have no doubt that I am not a genius,† said the prize winner of the 1999 European Contest for Young Scientists. Bu who would believe her and at the same time remain without deeply appreciating her modesty! She was the media sensation within days after getting the prestigious award. She was about to be hailed as an instant celebrity, for the public key to cryptography, the method used to transmit secure data over the Internet, but destiny played its part.When everyone in the knowledgeable circles thought that her encryption algorithm is worth the millions, a security hole was discovered. Nevertheless she had done a great job. Now she met her father on equal terms, a mathematician talking to another senor mathematician.There is an interesting interaction betwe en the father-daughter mathematical duos. To be taught lessons from her father in the drawing room of the house was one thing. To be part of his lecture fraternity, and listen to his mathematical revelations in an organized way sitting as one among the audience was altogether a different experience. The previous day, he had a serious, purposeful conversation with Sarah. Her father said, â€Å"Now that you have decided to do transition year, I must do some math with you.† He continued, â€Å"I'd like to show you how some beautiful but reasonably elementary mathematics is applied, stuff that you wouldn't ordinarily come across in school.†She could not understand the immediate intentions of her father. She thought he was inviting her to the kitchen blackboard, as she was aware of his enthusiastic ways; how he got inspired at the most unsuspected moment and wished to unleash his mathematical knowledge on her, whether she was mentally prepared   for it or not.Perhaps, at that moment she was not ready to receive the tough lessons of mathematics. She replied, â€Å"Dad, whatever you do, do something structured!† That set him thinking, as to the proper, most effective and appropriate way to teach and take her to the world of mathematics. He remembered his past. The debt he owed to the one who taught him mathematics. How the torch of mathematical knowledge was passed on to his hand.It now depended, what he would do, with what his teacher did for him, and from where he left.   He strongly felt that he must transfer the knowledge to some one else who richly deserved it. Who else could be that individual except his own daughter, in whom he must have noticed the latent mathematical genius?He told his daughter, â€Å"Of course, only if you are genuinely interested-I wouldn't force it on you.† She was genuinely interested. The evening lecture by her father proved to be the foundation stone for the grand mathematical edifice that she was going to build.Sarah was now part of the class of serious students studying mathematics. The evening classes from seven ten, with the student strength of 8, continued for twenty five nights. The daughter was the youngest student, just 15 years and six months, but a couple of other students too were young.There were adults who came from various backgrounds. Computer scientists, a secondary school mathematics teacher, a chemistry graduate working for a medical laboratory. They were the ones who loved mathematics, and who regretted their inaction in not pursuing the mathematics study, when young. It was a class that had its own specialties.The cause of study was great, not the career out of the study. No credits were given. It was not part of any major. No home work or study was demanded. It was David Flannery’s way of â€Å"getting back into math† with no holds barred approach. You wee encouraged to come up with your most silly questions. He loved and appreciated those who mad e fools of themselves, as according to him, only those will learn and had the chance of success.These assurances, coming from a reputed Professor, were greatly appreciated by the students. They looked forward to the classes with expectancy and with hope that they will be exposed to something interesting about the mathematics in the next session.Sarah though had peculiar problem that the teacher was her father, she was able to mentally sort out the issue. Her dedication and the serious approach when she meant study, paved the way or her progress.From the teacher’s perspective, what one teaches is important. But how one teaches, what one teaches is more important. Towards this end David Flannery filled the bill admirably. He was the one who enjoyed his teachings and encouraged his students to learn in style.No time-bound hard tasks were expected from the students. Each one was encouraged to estimate one’s level of understanding, and progress accordingly. He was able to m aintain an atmosphere of affection at home and in his classes.The brain teasing puzzles enticed the students to know more and more, and the hours spent by the students in the association of David Flannery, proved highly fructifying. His company kindled their curiosity further. They eagerly awaited his next class and firmly believed that something more interesting would be in store for them.The class was not all fun as was made out initially by David Flannel. That was his style of making the students interested in the subject. Soon, the intensive part of his chartered syllabus for the students began and his forays were in the  Ã‚     elementary number theory, with cryptography as the final destination.He would the take the students entirely to different horizons of mathematics, interesting sights that were rich in content, may not be of use for the immediate application.When David Flannery was a student, the application of the number theory were so few (industrial and internet re volutions had not taken off), and yet the number theory was of prime importance to the mathematicians, its study was considered pure. By the end of 1970s, the situation had drastically changed.The various technicalities involved in the message system and their readings gave a shot in the arm for cryptography. It became a much sought after subject and millions of dollars were invested into the development of this subject. The demand for expertise in this area became tremendous.The book is a treat to read for the simple reason that it is a great human story as well, a success story, a management and pubic relation story etc. The way she prepared for the competitions would set the standard for any youngster who wishes to be an achiever.What a careful and great teacher her father was! The concepts of teaching itself have undergone metamorphic changes, and mathematics is no exception. The style of teaching has become more student-friendly.As for Sarah, her mathematician father was her gr eat career-asset. But her mother also continuously encouraged her by telling interesting anecdotes about the subject. ‘Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics.’ Such sweet nothings said about the subject during formative years of a young girl had great positive impact on her.Her Mom said Mathematics and the number theory was like the Sleeping Beauty Fairly Tale, and Sarah Flannery writes, â€Å"I thought about those who had toiled away through the centuries at unraveling the mysteries of this subject, motivated by nothing more than a passionate desire to know. They could have hardly dreamt of the applications that some of their results would one day find.I wondered what it was they had discovered, and what they would think if they could see how some of these discoveries are now being used. I was eager to learn the subject and surmise for myself whether they would be surprised or not.†But everything about the number t heory is not all that sweet. It is a deceptive theory. When you think that you are on the verge of success, you are suddenly knocked out by a lethal punch. The simple questions that you will ask your Professor may look so simple to you. The same questions were asked by many brilliant students in the past. The answers to such questions have not been found until this day, and the most intelligent ones are raking their brains to find out the solutions.But the toughest obstacle lay in waiting for Sarah. The sharp attacks on the Cayley-Purser algorithm arrived with Michael Purse alerts, making her mathematical advancement difficult. Sarah was on the defensive; she made efforts to repair the algorithm, but could not succeed. She stated that it is not salvageable as a workable encryption system.The theoretical interest stood in her favor through this testing time. She included a postscript explanation on the successful attack. It brought her further success when she was conferred the title of European Young Scientist of the Year for 1999. They say, â€Å"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going!†It is very easy to say that Sarah climbed the stage to receive the award. But behind this glorious moment in the life of this sports-loving teenager from Blarney in Country Cork, Ireland, lay the extraordinary talent and matching efforts of relentless research and discoveries in Internet cryptography.At the age of sixteen to get the international recognition and to be hailed as â€Å"brilliant† by the London Times, is no ordinary achievement. Newspapers and periodicals hailed it as â€Å"a wonderfully moving story about the thrill of the mathematical chase† (Nature) and â€Å"a paean to intellectual adventure† (Times Educational Supplement).The dinner-time conversation with her father led her to the hall of fame. Her burning curiosity, the inner joy of persistence paid off handsomely. What is the meaning of the wise saying, â€Å"Have a wil l to grow and grow you will!†Ã¢â‚¬â€ask Sarah! David Flannery lectures on mathematics at Ireland’s Cork Institute of Technology. Sarah Flannery is now a student at Cambridge University.Some shortcomings of the book†¦.To say that it is the combination of a set of two books, would not be a far-fetched criticism on the book. Two narrative segments of the book, at the beginning and the end, do not serve the actual cause for which the book stands for. The 150 pages, though there is no doubting the merit of the contents, it is right thing at the wrong place. It makes the tough and prolonged reading, and causes obstruction in understanding the life of Sarah in a systematic, chronological order.The book goes on an aim-less wandering, and it defeats the structure of the book. But those who do not like mathematics intensely, for those who are not the serious students of the subject, these 150 pages are a good read! However, this can not be considered as the serious lapse of the book, but the professional critics of this literature, would not like to miss this   point, as a matter of their duty.The mathematical exposition part of it is flawless in contents and style. The beginning holds the interest of the common reader as well. The elementary examination of the prime numbers is detailed. The idea of primality about Mersenne primes, the Sieve of Eratosthenes and also primalaity testing are the important topics.Then is the chapter on Modular arithmetic, Fermat’s Little Theorem, and pseudo primes. For complete understanding of the RSA algorithm, the last two of these three mathematical chapters are necessary. But they can be avoided by those who are desirous of the elementary feel for public-key cryptography.The author has no problem with the English language, the exposition and style of writing is lucid. In fine, Sarah has given a very interesting book. The theme of the book and the author’s attitude towards the theme of mathematics, bot h evoke and sustain curiosity. The book deserves an outstanding position not only for the awards that it brought to Sarah, but also for the real contribution   it made to the cause of mathematics, for all time to come.There is something uniqueness about the book. Some more remarkable books should be expected from Sarah’s pen. The author has dealt with the topic in an excellent manner and the contents of the book gain stature, without losing its ground and reality. The book is the creation of the child, with father’s blessings. What more is required for the child and what does a father expect from the child? Both see the fulfillment of their respective mathematical missions through this book.When a child gives the account of her experiences that ultimately led her to great heights of success, the reader’s interest is all the more, for the simple reason that every parent wishes to visualize and  Ã‚   aspires for the success of their children.From the point of view of human psychology and management principles that lead to success, this book is the torchbearer. Her thoughts are playful, yet never missing the mathematical purpose of the book.The number of high school students who enjoy mathematics is not very high and many do the subject, as they have to do as it is the unavoidable subject up to a certain level. But an introduction and interaction with this book should change their perspective.Many may not be lucky enough get a mathematics genius Professor-father. In the case of Sarah, her pastime of solving the mathematical puzzles with her father paid her rich dividends. It started as a game and slowly turned into a thrill of the mathematical chase. Nothing succeeds like success and one good thing in her life, led to the other.A great lesson for the psychologists and sociologists who study the parental impact on the life and future of children! But for the encouragement and influence of her mathematician father, Sarah would have been yet another university student, pursuing the syllabus-oriented degrees for a routine career.Conclusion:God made the natural numbers, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and 0 and what all ‘complications’ the human being has created under the subject-banner mathematics! But for becoming the mathematician, Sarah would have been a storyteller.The art comes naturally to her. She has dealt with a highly intellectual subject, without any pretensions, without the sense of overbearing. At times, the writing takes the serious turn, but that is what the subject matter is. Her childlike descriptions maintain the essential dignity. If she tries her hand at other subjects of writing, we may be in for surprises.That’s what her imagination, wit and charm throughout the book reveal. â€Å"In Code†, has the makings of a very good novel and her pen holds out great promises for even better works. It is a twice-blessed book. Primarily it is a book on mathematics, and more importantly it is an int eresting book of human endeavor, the human spirit, the book on positive qualities like grit and determination. Few children are lucky to have such great upbringing.The black board in the kitchen truly speaks about the studious family. She and her four brothers made it the perfect class at home, and mostly issues related to mathematics were discussed at the dining table. At lunch, the distraction would be not be like the television set in the modern drawing room, but the attractions were puzzles appearing on the blackboard days after day, without intermission. David Flannery had a clear purpose about the puzzles.They encouraged the children into enjoying abstract reasoning. But do no imagine, Sarah liked all these intensely. She was not a book worm. She liked to ride horses, played hurling and basketball, did boating and liked other adventurous team sports.She carried that adventurous spirit to her mathematics research as well.So to say, Sarah was a philanthropist mathematician and d id not possess any motivated desires about her accomplishments. Mathematical community offered the talented Sarah all co-operations. Experts in the field of cryptology were eager to help her.Initial reactions to her code system, was that it was patentable and she had the possibilities of becoming the millionaire. The exchange of vital information with other mathematicians could have damaged her interest for financial gains. Yet, she shared the information bearing in mind the overall interest of mathematics.She was only 17, when she was a guest speaker at an IBM leadership conference for women. Sarah was also given an invitation to attend the Nobel Prize ceremonies in Stockholm. To write an interesting readable book on mathematics, normally considered a dry and brain-racking subject is no mean achievement. She has set the trend for the budding young scientists, and great scholars in any subject need not be men and women with silver hair.The book provides to all concerned, the parents , the teachers and above all the combustible younger generation, who wish to achieve something in life, but do not know the correct procedures and steps to achieve very valuable information. Sarah provides good solutions to one’s ambitions and the way to achieve them.This makes the book even greater, than her contribution to cryptography. Bertrand Russell once talked about ‘the silent beauty’ of mathematics. Sarah has demonstrated how the skills of the mathematician and the skills of the fiction & fantasy writer can be clubbed together to create an outstanding contribution to the world of literature. Here is the combination of great human experience mixed with intellectual stuff. It is very easy to record and offer her congratulations for all that she achieved at the young age of 16.But think of the hard work she did, the relentless pressure she was able to endure at such a young age, and all this she did at the same time enjoying and pursuing her hobbies. So, if you have young children, and do not have many ideas as to how to inspire them, give this book to them—it would be more appropriate if the parents read and discuss the contents of this book for their benefit. The results are bound to be far fetching as for their future. The contents of the book have the lessons in ‘moral counseling’ as well.The application of cryptography has caught up fast with the internet revolution. Many of the big companies are willing to sponsor researches and Sarah is eminently suited to take advantage of this situation. Her achievements have changed her perspective of life. The career opportunities that arrive at her doors are perhaps too much for her to handle. She has traveled to important destinations all over the world, met cryptography figureheads like Ronald Rivest and Whitfield Diffey. But the best is yet to come, and Sarah Flannery knows it well.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  References Cited:In Code: A Mathematical Journey (Paperback)by Sarah Flannery (Author), David Flannery (Author}Paperback: 352 pagesPublisher: Algonquin Books (December 30, 2002)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 1565123778ISBN-13: 978-1565123779PlanetMath: Sarah – 19k – Cached, Retrieved on January29,2008

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Types of Formatting for Academic Papers

Types of Formatting for Academic Papers Types of Formatting for Academic Papers Teachers commonly require academic papers to assess a student’s comprehension of a topic. Academic assessments often come in the form of research papers, which are defined as a person’s thoughts or perception of a topic based on thorough analysis. When writing an academic paper, be mindful of the following things. Common Types of Academic Papers Definition Papers Definition papers describe an idea from a factual perspective. These papers do not contain opinion or emotion. Although you may gather facts from different sources, the information is simply stated and supported. However, a definition paper can provide a good framework for persuasive, argumentative, or analytical papers. Argumentative Papers Argumentative papers present two sides of a scenario in one paper. Most good argumentative papers include in-text citations from different researchers and logical facts in support of both sides of the argument. Ultimately, these facts should conclude and culminate your analysis with the pros and cons of each side. The challenge in writing an argumentative paper is that while you are advocating for one side over the other, the way in which you present both arguments must remain neutral and factual. Persuasive Papers Persuasive papers choose a stance and provide logical arguments to defend that stance. Unlike argumentative papers, persuasive papers do not need to present ideas that support any opposing stance. It can also include more emotional and perspective-based opinions. Purpose of Academic Paper Formats When writing academic papers, the way you present your paper is crucial. Using the proper citing, referencing, and quoting of your sources allow for you to communicate your ideas in a manner that is shared by others in your field. Some of these formats include: Chicago Manual of Style The Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) is predominantly used in humanities, particularly literature, history, or the arts. Modern Language Association Style The Modern Language Association Style (MLA) is also popular with students of humanities. Artists, linguists, and theatre students have been using MLA for over 500 years. American Psychological Association Style The American Psychological Association Style (APA) is a set of rules and guidelines established by the American Psychological Association. This format is popular among students and practitioners of psychology, sociology, social work, and medicine. When working on your research paper, remember to pay extra attention to the way you format your source materials. Use the handouts that your teachers give you, or any online reference materials to ensure that all formatting is accurate. For expert advice in formatting your research paper, is here to help.

Monday, October 21, 2019


CONSTITUTIONAL POSITION PAPER essays At the heart of this argument, the issue is weather or not the founding fathers were thinking of themselves, or of others when the constitution was written. That is basically what it comes down to when the problem is watered down. John Roche, the one who believes that the founding fathers were incredible democratic reformers says yes, whiles Alfred Young says now and believes that the founding fathers were nothing more than a group of elite merchants, lawyers, and slave holders that were forced into creating a fair document that could be used by all. I personally believe that both of them make good points but I believe that I am inclined to lean to John Roches side. For if the founding fathers were forced into creating something fair that they personally could prosper for, then they would not have had to go to such great extents to create the constitution. I agree with John Roche on several parts, including that the founding fathers were the most superb reformers of their time. Not only that, they were committed to working for and within a democratic framework. For if these men were not committed to working for the people, they would not have stood out like they did during the revolutionary war. If you look at any bit of the time during and before the war, when the British were passing all of those impossibly unfair laws against the colonists to extort them, you will see nearly all of the names that signed the constitution, and the Declaration of Independence, stand out constantly. My second point, yes, Alfred Young is right and the founding fathers were generally a part of an Elite group of well-educated lawyers, and merchants. But let us face it, would you want dumb common farmers writing a constitution that would be shaping a nation? These men were rich, yes, but they were also selfless. They were risking their fortunes during the war to fight for equality. Were they just looking to profit for themselves, they mainly wo...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Idioms from the Military

7 Idioms from the Military 7 Idioms from the Military 7 Idioms from the Military By Mark Nichol Military terminology and slang is a rich source of expressive expressions. Most, like â€Å"bite the bullet,† are clichà ©s, but some, such as â€Å"bomber crew,† are unusual (so much so, sometimes, that in writing they may require a partial explanation). 1. Awkward Squad This obscure but oh-so-useful phrase originated in military usage to refer to a unit of particularly inept recruits. Now, in civilian usage, it denotes an incompetent or obstructive group in a company or organization. 2. AWOL The acronym for â€Å"absent without leave† (pronounced â€Å"AY-wall†), sometimes spelled AWL (though pronounced the same), refers to the status of military personnel who desert their posts. It now refers in general to somebody who literally abandons a location, mentally disengages, or figuratively rejects a previously held conviction or opinion. 3. Bite the Bullet This expression refers to the tradition of giving a wounded soldier a bullet to bite on in the absence of an anesthetic while performing surgery on him on or near the battlefield. (An alternative theory refers to tearing a cartridge open with one’s teeth, but this wasn’t dangerous or difficult.) In casual use, biting the bullet is facing an unpleasant and/or difficult task. 4. Bomber Crew This phrase refers to the cinematic clichà © of the ethnically mixed crew of a military aircraft, familiar to fans of movies filmed and/or set during World War II: The characters, whether representing the crew of a bomber, soldiers in a platoon, or sailors on a ship, typically included such disparate types as a Jew from New York, a Midwestern farm boy, a tough guy from some rust belt metropolis, a Southerner, and so on. The expression could be used, for example, to refer to the â€Å"bomber-crew inclusiveness† of a poster depicting an ethnically diverse array of people. 5. Close Ranks In military formations, to close ranks is to compress the mass of soldiers after marching or standing apart, generally to create a more formidable offensive or defensive formation. In figurative terms, â€Å"closing ranks† now refers to an act of solidarity such as uniformly supporting someone or something subject to criticism. 6. Rank and File In marching and standing formation, soldiers standing abreast are said to be in the same rank, while a line of troops located from front to back is a file. (From the idea that the closer one is to the front of a marching column or a standing unit, the higher one’s place in the military hierarchy, came the use of the word rank to denote a degree of authority.) Now, â€Å"rank and file† is used figuratively to refer to the â€Å"foot soldiers† the ordinary employees as opposed to the leaders of an organization. 7. Scuttlebutt This term derives from the butt, or cask, that held drinking water on sailing ships; it was scuttled, or provided with a hole in the top, so that water could be drawn. In the same way that office workers gather around a water cooler to share gossip, the scuttlebutt was the locale of idle talk among mariners. Hence, scuttlebutt came to refer to the gossip itself, and the usage was extended to civilian environments. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:85 Synonyms for â€Å"Help†Cannot or Can Not?How to Punctuate Introductory Phrases

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Kants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kants - Essay Example But the only thing that could be an object of respect for me is something that is conjoined with my will purely as a ground and never as a consequence, something that does not serve my inclination but overpowers† (320). From the definition above of Kant’s categorical imperative, one can see that the categorical imperative aims to test whether the reason behind an action contradicts itself if one uses a rational basis for it. Kant actually explains it in this way: â€Å"Is it a necessary law for all rational beings to judge their actions always in accordance with those maxims which they can themselves will that they should serve as universal laws?†(332). The formula has a procedure that states what one is supposed to do. It therefore clearly distinguishes between what one has to do and what one wants to do. The basis of the categorical imperative is therefore not in the necessity of the action, not in the motivation of the desire or pleasure but in the rationality of the action. For a motivation to be acceptable, it must be purely rational and its being rational is for the greater good, or for what is good to all people without any exceptions. Based on Kant’s definition of the categorical imperative, the motivation for the first case is that if the action were to be made into a universal law, then no one would say such things because one would expect the other person to say it. Thus, it would contradict itself. For the second case, the motivation should be a situation which is debt free so that it would not contradict itself. As for the third case, it is similar to the first. In short, if the motivation would be getting something in return, and if this were to be converted to a universal law, then there is no one would give anything anymore. Thus, one should wait to be that second person. For the fourth case, the motivation would be to get a good grade. However, if everyone would do this, then there would be no

Environmental Geochemistry and Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Essay Example Unleaded gasoline has at least 15 hazardous substances including toluene (35%) and is classified as highly volatile and will result in vapour lock where combustion does not take place1. When mixed in water, most of the gasoline could evaporate if the water is open, but much of it cannot evaporate in underground water making a big proportion to dissolve and this will be absorbed by sediments. For aquatic organisms, this product will be quite toxic, depending on their size and resistance capability. Corrective action is necessary starting with site investigation. Hydrocarbon contamination with the groundwater should be stopped immediately. Its discharging point should be plugged and the nearest drains, water bodies should be sealed off, so that further contamination to distant water bodies does not happen. Residents could be evacuated if gasoline has already spread into drinking, using and sewage water or if that is not the case, water supply should be disconnected immediately and alternative water source should be provided. Complete groundwater monitoring should start immediately. Instead of one single action, it is better to perform by-monthly actions to remove all traces of gasoline from ground water, to ensure that dissolved contaminants are effectively vanishing. And groundwater sampling should be done on a regular basis through tracer testing. If widespread presence is detected, human exposure to it should be suspended immediately. Dissolved contamination level should be identified and ecological profile should be drawn, followed by remedial programme identified with the Corrective Action Plan. Public participation may be necessary in the entire operation to some extent. This method is called Dynamic Underwater Stripping, in which steam drives contaminated water towards extraction wells. Where steam cannot penetrate, electrical heating dries and distils the clays, volcanic rocks and limestone. Heating of the soil also could do the same. It is very difficult to clean the underground contamination and this process is accepted as cost worthy, less cumbersome and minimum time consuming. Cleaning has to be done both above and below the water table. Clay has very low permeability, and the usual pump-and-treat method would be time consuming and more expensive and might not work below water level. Dynamic stripping could work even below water table, and by vacuum extraction, it could remove the gasoline and contaminated water2. This method relies on Steam Injection, Electrical heating, and underground imaging and all have proved very effective and reasonably cheaper. It has many additional advantages like being effective in low permeable soils, being capable of removing contaminant below and above water table. It is not risky to population, because the action is quick and decisive. Question 2: Gasoline (one of the Volatile Organic Compounds) contamination in ground water can cause major health hazards to people and ruin the river and water bodies' ecosystems completely. It can contaminate soil with hazardous results. MTBE in it creates alarming tension whenever leaks happen. Health of all 5,000 populations could be at risk by this environmental hazard, while the

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Walter Family Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Walter Family - Case Study Example Catherine Walter, a self-proclaimed ‘depressed’ mother. The children are entitled to their basic needs and because there appeared to be a lack of provision in the Walter family, Mrs. Walter may indeed be guilty of neglecting her children. II. Major Issues of the Family The major problem of the family is that it does not have any dependable resources, let alone in the financial aspect. Although the lack of financial resources does not significantly qualify for a type of neglect, the Walter children are left exposed to possible substantial harm from the lack of food and a safe and clean dwelling place with no parent or any form of guardian to attend to their immediate needs. Mr. Walter abandoned his family without providing any essential aid (e.g. insurance) while Mrs. Walter admitted to have depressive symptoms which would give enough reason for the community CPS to take necessary action over the situation. Parental depression can cause a parent to divert her attention aw ay from her children (Jackson et al. 5). III. Needs of the Family The Walter family requires a good provider. ... Generally, the family needs economic and professional help from concerned social workers who could assist them. IV. Action Plan and Intervention Goals It is necessary that the alleged neglect of the Walter children by their mother, Mrs. Catherine Walter be determined properly. The community agency should know whether the treatment or intervention is favorable for the children and Mrs. Walter. Despite the fact that it’s the main duty of the community CPS to reduce the probable risks to a child, separating a child from his/her parent should be its last remaining option because doing so against the will of the family member concerned may have negative psychological effects to them especially when it is not necessary. In the following action plan, the persons directly involved during the treatment will be the Walter children, Mrs. Walter, physicians, pediatricians, social workers, child psychologists, and nutritional professionals who can detect victims of abuse or neglect. Intake /Initial Assessment/Investigation The Child Protective Services Agency must acquire credible evidence to substantiate the report of neglect (Depanfilis). Mrs. Walter should be properly and justifiably evaluated whether she could still provide the physiological and emotional needs of her children or not despite the fact that she admitted to undergoing depressive symptoms for it still unjust to opt for placement without due process of law (25). However, if it is the parent’s own choice to confine her children into a foster home instead, then she is already waiving her right as a responsible mother to her children. This recommended action will also determine whether statutory child protection is the best approach to the Walter family case.

Interactions of The Laws of Demand and Supply in the Personal Computer Essay

Interactions of The Laws of Demand and Supply in the Personal Computer Market - Essay Example This rising demand has led to the fall in prices of the computers. The objective of this study is to analyze the factors that have led to the fall in prices of computers. This would help in understanding the theories of economics related to market demand-supply and undertake an analysis to find the application of the underlying theories of economics in practical conditions of the market. The study would help to provide an insight of the impacts of changing market condition on the prices of the products. The effects of the increase in demand of the computers on its prices in the market could be explained by relating the actual market scenario with the concepts of economic theories. The study also helps us to understand the effects of changing behavior of the market with the help of supporting data and diagrams. Analysis In economics theory, the demand and supply of a product plays an important role in determining the price of the product. The fall in prices of the computer is also att ributed to a change in the demand of the computers. The price of computers would vary until the market reaches a point of equilibrium where the demand of computers is equal to the supply of computers (Carbaugh, 2011, p.11). Since the prices underwent a change with respect to the change in demand and supply of computers, the product is said to be elastic. The increase in demand of the computers in the market can be attributed to factors like increase in the number of population, change in preference, taste and level of livelihood, and finally increase in income levels of the people. More people started to afford computers which led to increase in demand of the computers. A statistical analysis given below shows that the number of computers... This paper offers a thorough analysis of the recent tendencies on the personal computer market, which are determined by interactions of the underlying economic laws. The objective of this study is to analyze the factors that have led to the fall in prices of computers. The distribution and cost of goods in a free market are based solely upon the demand and supply of the products. The distribution and cost of goods in a free market are based solely upon the demand and supply of the products. The analysis conducted helps in understanding the theories of economics related to market demand-supply. The application of the underlying theories of economics in practical conditions of the market is considered. The study provides an insight of the impacts of changing market condition on the prices of the products. The effects of the increase in demand of the computers on its prices in the market could be explained by relating the actual market scenario with the concepts of economic theories. The demand of computers increased over time due to several factors. The rise in demand of computers would cause rightward shift of the demand curve leading to rise in the quantity demanded and rise in prices of computer. In order to maintain the position of equilibrium, the supply levels to the market also increased. As a result of increased supply, the supply curve would shift rightward leading to rise in the level of quantity supplied and a reduction of level of prices of computer. The quantity available increased leads to fall in prices.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

National Space Centre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

National Space Centre - Essay Example Marketing entails the executive process of discovering and predicting customers’ needs in an attempt to satiate them, and thereby make profits from this undertaking. Furthermore, wise investors must know the exact consumer requirements, and device marketing stratagem that will satisfy them, while being able to overcome their opponents. The entrepreneurs must also apply the seven P’s available in the marketing mix. When properly implemented, these aspects give an entrepreneur an upper hand over their competitors. Conversely, while planning for any business experience, one must ensure that he or she employs all aspects of the 7Ps. It is apparent that leaders neglect some of their clients’ needs when they make vital business decisions concerning marketing. This is detrimental, since the clients’ needs are the real reason for any business undertaking. This document will look into this, and mull over pricing, another key aspect in marketing. Introduction Market ing is a crucial aspect in any business organization’s survival. ... are conversant with their clients’ requirements and see to it that it is economically viable to provide these products (and services) to the market. Besides, products can be either commodities or services provided in the market. The competitive nature of the markets today prompts entrepreneurs to employ the seven P’s in their marketing campaign. As a result, this manuscript will consider two of the seven P’s of marketing (price and people), and their influence on the success of National Space Centre in the Science Fiction field. In this manuscript, products will vastly depict services. People as an aspect of Marketing Mix Originally, the business people of the mid 1900s came up with 4P’s that tried to illustrate the business market situation in relation to competition. These included the Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. However, as business expanded with the incorporation of technology, 3 more P’s had to be in operation. These included Physical Evidence, People and Process (Balram & Ghuman 2007, p. 80). Business entailed sale of products and services. During trade, it was evident that the 4Ps benefitted the traders of products more than it did to those in the service business line. Besides, contemporary traders may apply more P’s than the current 7 in determining their market mix. However, this document will only reflect on two P’s, which are Price and People (the clients of the space centre will represent the people). The Leicester’s National Space Centre is about to hold an event. This will commemorate the success of its recent film that entails the experience of astronomers in space and their life in space. Their work has been triumphant because of careful application of the seven P’s crucial in the current, competitive environment. For

Islam in Central Asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Islam in Central Asia - Essay Example Islam in Central Asia Mansur al-Hallaj was different from other Suffis who followed traditional perceptions that further had its impressions in the literature. For instance, Suffis in the era believed that sharing mysticism with the masses was inappropriate. However, Al-Hallaj followed a rebellious path that further had its impression on the Qrighiz legend of origin. Illustration of such a fact can be obtained from his writing in Kitab-Al-Tawasin, emphasizing dialogues of Satan and God (Lenz-Raymann, 2014). Contextually, the method used by Al-Hallaj in his writing was known as the ‘universal mystical introspection’, which later gave birth to a new dimension of Sufi culture in Qrighiz. He was also rebellious for his belief that practices in contradiction to the traditional religious principles indicate the individual’s thirst for greater truth rather than his challenging or opposing attitude to the beliefs. In his writings, rather than expanding on the traditional religious beliefs, Al-Hallaj emphasized humanity. Mansur al-Hallaj believed in the unity of man with the Divine. He travelled to various places to preach his writings, which majorly included Tostar, Baghdad, Mecca and Turkestan among others that further gave rise to the Qrighiz legend of origin. As argued by Shepard (2009), the writings of Mansur-al-Hallaj were important for Sufi culture, as it defined a new dimension of Islam. His life was measured widely by the French Scholars of Islam.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

National Space Centre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

National Space Centre - Essay Example Marketing entails the executive process of discovering and predicting customers’ needs in an attempt to satiate them, and thereby make profits from this undertaking. Furthermore, wise investors must know the exact consumer requirements, and device marketing stratagem that will satisfy them, while being able to overcome their opponents. The entrepreneurs must also apply the seven P’s available in the marketing mix. When properly implemented, these aspects give an entrepreneur an upper hand over their competitors. Conversely, while planning for any business experience, one must ensure that he or she employs all aspects of the 7Ps. It is apparent that leaders neglect some of their clients’ needs when they make vital business decisions concerning marketing. This is detrimental, since the clients’ needs are the real reason for any business undertaking. This document will look into this, and mull over pricing, another key aspect in marketing. Introduction Market ing is a crucial aspect in any business organization’s survival. ... are conversant with their clients’ requirements and see to it that it is economically viable to provide these products (and services) to the market. Besides, products can be either commodities or services provided in the market. The competitive nature of the markets today prompts entrepreneurs to employ the seven P’s in their marketing campaign. As a result, this manuscript will consider two of the seven P’s of marketing (price and people), and their influence on the success of National Space Centre in the Science Fiction field. In this manuscript, products will vastly depict services. People as an aspect of Marketing Mix Originally, the business people of the mid 1900s came up with 4P’s that tried to illustrate the business market situation in relation to competition. These included the Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. However, as business expanded with the incorporation of technology, 3 more P’s had to be in operation. These included Physical Evidence, People and Process (Balram & Ghuman 2007, p. 80). Business entailed sale of products and services. During trade, it was evident that the 4Ps benefitted the traders of products more than it did to those in the service business line. Besides, contemporary traders may apply more P’s than the current 7 in determining their market mix. However, this document will only reflect on two P’s, which are Price and People (the clients of the space centre will represent the people). The Leicester’s National Space Centre is about to hold an event. This will commemorate the success of its recent film that entails the experience of astronomers in space and their life in space. Their work has been triumphant because of careful application of the seven P’s crucial in the current, competitive environment. For

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

In what ways are MNEs developing new business networks with an ethical Essay

In what ways are MNEs developing new business networks with an ethical orientation Using examples, explain why these developmen - Essay Example The sheer size of these corporations have made them almost like political actors, in the countries they are present and it is believed that their decisions and actions can affect the demography in both positive and negative ways (Holland, 2010). The emergence of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be traced to this very point which is concerned with the issue of reducing negative impacts of the corporate on the population of the country. The CSR deals with the ethics and social responsibility of the company, the two major factors in the strategic management process of a country (Godiwalla and Damanpour, 2006). Ethical conduct is a major requirement of the MNEs in countries in which they operate. The expectations of the countries, in which these companies operate, are the major determinant of the ethical and social conduct of an organization. This essay aims to understand the ways in which MNEs are expanding their new business networks, considering the ethical considerations and the way these contribute in building competitive strength of the companies. Business Ethics: Definition There are numerous definitions of business ethics that can be considered. For the purpose of this essay, business ethics can be defined as the principles, values and standards, which guide the business in its conduct with the external world (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrel, 2011). Principles include the basic rights like, freedom of speech, justice and equal rights, which are universal and form the basis of the rules. Values, on the other hand, comprise of social norms established by conventions in the society which are socially enforcing. These include integrity, accountability and trust and the standards for these are largely determined by investors, employees and interest groups and influence the society’s acceptance of what is permissible or not by the business. Strategic ethic management has the potential of improving both the economic and ethical goals of MNEs, whe n they consider expanding the existing business to new geographies. Research work has shown that there is a positive correlation between ethical business conducts and long-term financial development of the companies (Takei, 2011). This prompts companies to take ethical issues seriously in their expansion. The causality relationship between the profitability growth and business ethics are yet to be confirmed. Empirical evidences show that there are positive correlation between financial growth and ethical considerations. These discoveries imply that the strategic management must take into consideration the aspect of business ethics in their management process (Krishnamurthi, 2008). Rationale for business ethics Business ethics forms an important responsibility of the manager who conducts the business. The need for implementation of business ethics is more severe for managers who have the responsibility of conducting foreign operations as they face more pressing ethical issues which a re absent within the domestic borders (Luminita and Constantin, n.d.). There are various reasons responsible for this difference like: Firstly, the difference in the legal and political structure of a country in which the business is likely to operate. These differences are further pronounced by the ethical and traditional conventions of the society. Secondly, the differences between the economic organizations of countries in

Monday, October 14, 2019

Viruses-smallpox Essay Example for Free

Viruses-smallpox Essay FBI data reveals over 10000 bombings resulting in 355 deaths and over 3ooo injuries between 1990 and 1995. Based on FBI data calculations, approximately 70% of domestic terrorist incidents involve some type of explosives; Analysts need to be aware that explosive devices can be comprised of Ð ° wide variety of materials. The number of chemical, biological, and nuclear attack incidents are not as startling as those of conventional explosives mentioned above. The Center for Non-Proliferation Studies, in Ð ° 2ooo CSIS report, showed that in 1999 there were 175 reports of chemical, biological, and nuclear terrorism, 1o4 of which occurred in the U. S. This was Ð ° dramatic increase over the database findings in February, 2000 of Ð ° total of 687 incidents since 1900. Definitive numbers are difficult to attain. The Center uses the media as its source of information, and it was noted that apparent increases might be attributed to hoaxes and different reporting methods. Regardless of the true numbers, there definitely appears to be an increase in the use or the perceived use of these agents. There are numerous biological agents that can be employed by terrorists. (Rick 2004 96). The U. S.Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases lists the following diseases and biological toxins as potentially suitable for introduction into the population by deliberate dispersal: 1. Bacterial infections-anthrax, cholera, plague, tularemia, and â€Å"Q† fever 2. Viruses-smallpox, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, and viral hemorrhagic fevers 3. Biological toxins-botulinum, staphylococcal enterotoxin B, ricin, and T-2 Mycotoxins Chemical agents have been used in warfare for years, even by law enforcement in the form: 1. Nerve agents-Sarin (GB) 2. Vesicants-Mustard gas (HD, H), Lewisite (L) 3. Lung-damaging agents-Phosgene. 4. Cyanide 5. Riot-control agents-CS and CN Methods of exposure to the biological and chemical agents mentioned above include the following: 1. Absorption (through the skin) 2. Ingestion (swallowing or eating) 3. Inhalation (breathing) 4. Injection (usually through Ð ° hypodermic syringe) The above chemical and biological concerns are critical components for analyzing materials and data, but Ð ° greater concern exists for the first responder. It is one thing to analyze information about WMD, but it is the first responders of the world who will encounter, usually unsuspectingly, chemical and biological agents. Therefore it is essential that information be made immediately available to them as it is discovered, and that they be properly trained in all aspects of this extremely dangerous situation. Many how-to documents are available, some covering chemical and biological agents. In the previously mentioned terrorism training manual document seized in Manchester, England, â€Å"Military Studies in the Jihad against the Tyrants† several poisons were described in detail. Included in this compendium was information on extracts or derivatives of herbal and plant products that can be used to make substances such as ricin. â€Å"During JTF NA, the USAFE/LG staff was organized into control cells to manage the combat support infrastructure, including the distribution system. (Rick 2004 93) With no policy to guide them, these control cells developed new reporting procedures to meet the needs of their customers. Innovative reporting and control processes were critical to the decision-making required to execute combat support as operations escalated. 6 These control cells resemble aspects of the CSC2 TO-BE operational architecture now being implemented. (Robert et al 2004 29)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Types And Causes Of Liquidity Risk Finance Essay

Types And Causes Of Liquidity Risk Finance Essay In  finance,  liquidity risk  is the risk that a given security or asset cannot be traded quickly enough in the market to prevent a loss (or make the required profit). OR Liquidity risk is the current and prospective risk to earnings or capital arising from a banks inability to meet its obligations when they come due without incurring unacceptable losses. Liquidity risk includes the inability to manage unplanned decreases or changes in funding sources. Liquidity risk also arises from the failure to recognize or address changes in market conditions that affect the ability to liquidate assets quickly and with minimal loss in value. 2.1-Types of Liquidity risk: Asset liquidity   Due to the lack of liquidity in market an asset can not be sold it is basically subset of market risk. This can be done by: Widening bid/offer spread Making explicit liquidity reserves Lengthening holding period for Vary calculations Funding liquidity   Risk that liability: Cannot be met when they fall due Can only be met at an uneconomic price Can be name-specific or systemic 2.2- Causes of Liquidity Risk: There are many causes of liquidity risk liquidity risk actually arises when the one party wants to trading an asset cannot do it because in the market no one wants to trade that asset .The persons who are about to hold or currently hold the asset and want to trade that asset then liquidity risk become partial important to them as it affects their ability to do business. From drop of price to zero is very different from that appearance of liquidity risk. In the case when the assets price drop to zero then market said that asset is valueless. On the other hand when one party found that the other party is not interested in buying and selling of an asset then it become a big problem for the participant of a market to find the other interested party. So we can say that in the emerging markets or low volume markets the risk of liquidity is higher. Due to uncertain liquidity the liquidity risk is known as a financial risk. When the credit rating falls the institution may lose its liquidity, in this way rapid unexpected cash outflows, or as a result of this happening the counterparties may avoid the business of buying and selling with or borrowing the loan to the institutions. A firm is also exposed to liquidity risk if markets on which it depends are subject to loss of liquidity. The firm is also seen to the risk of liquidity when the markets in they depend are under the liquidity loss. Liquidity risks tend to compound other risks. If a trading organization has a position in an illiquid asset, its limited ability to liquidate that position at short notice will compound its market risk. Let us suppose a firm has a cash flows offsetting on a given day of with two different counter parties. If the counter party do not make the payment and become a payment defaults. In this way firm will have to make the cash from some other sources in order to make payment. Credit risk is the risk arises due to the liquidity. A position can be hedged against market risk but still entail liquidity risk. This is true in the above credit risk example-the two payments are offsetting, so they entail credit risk but not market risk. Another example is the 1993  Metallgesellschaft  debacle. Futures contracts were used to hedge an Over-the-counter finance OTC obligation. It is debatable whether the hedge was effective from a market risk standpoint, but it was the liquidity crisis caused by staggering margin calls on the futures that forced Metallgesellschaft to unwind the positions. As compared to the risks like market, credit and other risks the liquidity risk is also has to be managed. It is impossible to isolate the liquidity risk because it has the tendency to compound the other risks overall the most simple circumstances. Liquidity risk does not exit in the comprehensive metrics. In order to assessed the liquidity risk the certain techniques of asset liability management can be applied on a day by day basis. A simple test is conducted for the liquidity risk in ordered to see the net cash flows. Any day which shows a sizeable negative cash flow is of concern. Analyses such as these cannot easily take into account contingent cash flows, such as cash flows from derivatives or mortgage-backed securities. If an organizations cash flows are largely contingent, liquidity risk may be assessed using some form of scenario analysis. A general approach using scenario analysis might entail the following high-level steps: Construct multiple scenarios for market movements and defaults over a given period of time Assess day-to-day cash flows under each scenario. Because  balance sheets  differ so significantly from one organization to the next, there is little standardization in how such analyses are implemented. Regulators are primarily concerned about systemic and implications of liquidity risk. 2.3- Liquidity gap The liquidity gap is the net liquid assets of a firm. As a static measure of liquidity risk it gives no indication of how the gap would change with an increase in the firms marginal funding cost. 2.4- Liquidity risk elasticity: Culp denotes the change of net of assets over funded liabilities that occur when the liquidity premium on the banks marginal funding cost rises by a small amount as the liquidity risk elasticity. For banks this would be measured as a spread over libor, for nonfinancial the LRE would be measured as a spread over commercial paper rates. Problems with the use of liquidity risk elasticity are that it assumes parallel changes in funding spread across all maturities and that it is only accurate for small changes in funding spreads. 2.5- Measures of Asset Liquidity: Following are the measures of asset liquidity. 2.5.1. Bid-offer spread: The  bid-offer spread  is used by market participants as an asset liquidity measure. To compare different products the ratio of the spread to the products mid price can be used. The smaller the ratio the more liquid the asset is. This spread is comprised of operational costs, administrative and processing costs as well as the compensation required for the possibility of trading with a more informed trader. 2.5.2. Market depth: Hachmeister refers to  market depth  as the amount of an asset that can be bought and sold at various bid-ask spreads.  Slippage  is related to the concept of market depth. Knight and Satchell mention a flow trader needs to consider the effect of executing a large order on the market and to adjust the bid-ask spread accordingly. They calculate the liquidity cost as the difference of the execution price and the initial execution price. 2.5.3. Immediacy: Immediacy refers to the time needed to successfully trade a certain amount of an asset at a prescribed cost. 2.5.4. Resilience: Hachmeister identifies the fourth dimension of liquidity as the speed with which prices return to former levels after a large transaction. Unlike the other measures resilience can only be determined over a period of time. 2.6- Managing Liquidity Risk 2.6.1-Liquidity-adjusted value at risk: Liquidity-adjusted VAR incorporates exogenous liquidity risk into  Value at Risk. It can be defined at VAR + ELC (Exogenous Liquidity Cost). The ELC is the worst expected half-spread at a particular confidence level. Another adjustment is to consider VAR over the period of time needed to liquidate the portfolio. VAR can be calculated over this time period. The  BIS  mentions a number of institutions are exploring the use of liquidity adjusted-VAR, in which the holding periods in the risk assessment are adjusted by the length of time required to unwind positions.   2.6.2-Liquidity at risk: Greenspan (1999) discusses management of foreign exchange reserves. The Liquidity at risk measure is suggested. A countrys liquidity position under a range of possible outcomes for relevant financial variables (exchange rates, commodity prices, credit spreads, etc.) is considered. It might be possible to express a standard in terms of the probabilities of different outcomes. For example, an acceptable debt structure could have an average maturity averaged over estimated distributions for relevant financial variables in excess of a certain limit. In addition, countries could be expected to hold sufficient liquid reserves to ensure that they could avoid new borrowing for one year with certain ex ante probability, such as 95 percent of the time. 2.6.3-Scenario analysis-based contingency plans: The FDIC discuss liquidity risk management and write Contingency funding plans should incorporate events that could rapidly affect an institutions liquidity, including a sudden inability to securitize assets, tightening of collateral requirements or other restrictive terms associated with secured borrowings, or the loss of a large depositor or counterparty.Greenspans liquidity at risk concept is an example of scenario based liquidity risk management. 2.6.4-Diversification of liquidity providers: If several liquidity providers are on call then if any of those providers increases its costs of supplying liquidity, the impact of this is reduced. The American Academy of Actuaries wrote While a company is in good financial shape, it may wish to establish durable, ever-green (i.e., always available) liquidity lines of credit. The credit issuer should have an appropriately high credit rating to increase the chances that the resources will be there when needed.   2.6.5-Derivatives: The five derivatives that are discuss by bhaduri,meissner yon created specifically for hedging liquidity risk. Withdrawal option: A put of the illiquid underlying at the market price. Bermudan-style return put option: Right to put the option at a specified strike. Return swap: Swap the underlings return for LIBOR paid periodically. Return swaption: Option to enter into the return swap. Liquidity option: Knock-in barrier option, where the barrier is liquidity metric. other Funding sources are abundant and provide a competitive cost advantage. Funding is widely diversified. There is little or no reliance on wholesale funding sources or credit-sensitive funds providers. Market alternatives exceed demand for liquidity, with no adverse changes expected. Capacity to augment liquidity through asset sales and/or securitization is strong and the Bank has an established record in accessing these markets. The volume of wholesale liabilities with embedded options is low. The Bank is not vulnerable to funding difficulties should a material adverse change occur in market perception. Support provided by the parent company is strong. Earnings and capital exposure from the liquidity risk profile is negligible. -Quantity of Liquidity Risk Indicators: In order to assess the quantity of liquidity risk the following indicator should be used. Every characteristic is not necessary to be demonstrated. 2.7.1-Low: The sources of funding are abundant and provide a advantage of competitive cost. Funding is generally expanded. There is little or no reliance on wholesale funding sources or other credit-sensitive funds providers. On the sources of wholesale funding or others providers of credit sensitive fund in it there is no trust. The demand for liquidity goes above by the market alternatives and there are no any expected changes. Capacity to augment liquidity through asset sales and/or securitization is strong and the Bank has an established record in accessing these markets. The wholesale liabilities have a low volume with fixed options. The Bank is not weak to funding difficulties should a material adverse change occur in market perception. The parent company provides the support which is strong. Earnings and capital exposure from the liquidity risk profile is negligible. 2.7.2-Moderate The funding sources which are sufficient are available that provides a liquidity which is cost effective. Funding is generally expanded, by a few providers that may share their common objectives and their economic influences, but no significant concentrations. The wholesale funding is clear and it has a modest reliance. The market alternatives that is available in order to meet the demand for liquidity on reasonable terms. The Bank possesses the potential capacity to expand liquidity through asset sales and/or securitization. The bank has a modest experience in order to access these markets Some wholesale funds contain embedded options, but potential impact is not significant. The Bank is not excessively vulnerable to funding difficulties should a material. the adequate support is provided by the parent company. Earnings or capital exposure from the liquidity risk profile is manageable. 2.7.3-High: Funding sources and liability structures suggest current or potential difficulty in maintaining long-term and cost-effective liquidity. Borrowing sources may be concentrated in a few providers or providers with common investment objectives or economic influences. A significant reliance on wholesale funds is evident. Liquidity needs are increasing, but sources of market alternatives at reasonable terms, costs, and tenors are declining. The Bank exhibits little capacity or potential to augment liquidity through asset sales or securitization. A lack of experience accessing these markets or unfavorable reputation may make this option questionable. Material volumes of wholesale funds contain embedded options. The potential impact is significant. The Banks liquidity profile makes it vulnerable to funding difficulties should a material adverse change occur. Parent company provides a little or unknown support. Potential exposure to loss of earnings or capital due to high liability costs or unplanned asset reduction may be substantial. Liquidity risk management Achieving best practice Managing liquidity risk is often about applied common sense, like operational risk it requires a firm-wide approach and this places a high demand on the right processes and procedures. Any management information system used to mitigate liquidity risk should be: Accurate The best way of encouraging accuracy is to keep reporting simple. Communicative Report and information should speak plainly. Regular Timely reporting allows managers to judge changes in the market and their organizations liquidity profile. Comprehensive Must reflect your organizational reality, such as different entities, jurisdictions and regulations. Realistic Scenario must be rigorous if risk is to be identified in real situations. 2.8-Quality of Liquidity Risk Management The following indicators, as appropriate, should be used when assessing the quality of liquidity risk management. 2.8.1-Strong The polices are approved by the board and communicate guidelines effectively for the liquidity risk management and responsibilities are designated. The liquidity risk management process is effective in identifying, measuring, monitoring, and controlling liquidity risk. The process of liquidity risk management is effective for identifying liquidity risk, for measuring, monitoring, and controlling the liquidity risk. A sound culture reflects that has proven Liquidity risk is fully understood by the management in all the aspects. Management anticipates and responds well to changing market conditions. The contingency funding plan is well-developed, effective and useful. The plan incorporates reasonable assumptions, scenarios, and crisis management planning, and is tailored to the needs of the institution. Management information systems focus on significant issues and produce timely, accurate, complete, and meaningful information to enable effective management of liquidity. Internal audit is comprehensive and effective. The scope and frequency are reasonable. 2.8.2-Satisfactory Polices are approved by the Board which communicate adequately guidance for liquidity risk management and responsibilities are assigned. There may be a minor weakness present. The liquidity risk management process is generally effective in identifying, measuring, monitoring, and controlling liquidity. There may be minor weaknesses given the complexity of the risks undertaken, but these are easily corrected. .the key aspects of liquidity risk are reasonably understands by the management. Management adequately responds to changes in market conditions when changes occur in the market conditions the management respond adequately. The plan of contingency funding is adequate. The plan is current, reasonably addresses most relevant issues, and contains an adequate level of detail including multiple scenario analysis. The plan may require minor refinement. Management information systems adequately capture concentrations and rollover risk, and are timely, accurate, and complete. Recommendations are minor and do not impact effectiveness. Internal audit is reasonable. Any weaknesses are minor and do not impair effectiveness or reliance on audit findings. 2.8.3-Weak The Board has approved policies which are insufficient or incomplete. In one or more material respects the policy is incomplete .the process of liquidity risk management is useless in identifying, monitoring and controlling the liquidity risk This may be true in one or more material respects, given the complexity of the risks undertaken. The liquidity risk does not fully understand by the management. In the conditions when the market changes the management does not take any timely or suitable actions and do not participate. . The contingency funding plan is inadequate or nonexistent. The plan may not consider cost-effectiveness or availability of funds in a non-investment grade or CAMEL 3 environment. The information systems of management are deficient. The plan may be there but they do not adopted by the institutions, it is not reasonable, or they are not implemented as it should be. The information which is material may be a incomplete or lacking. Due to one or more material deficiencies the internal auditor coverage is missing or useless. 2.9-Common problems and misconceptions: Liquidity  risk  is one of the least understood and most underestimated risks that financial markets participants are exposed to. Reasons for this include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Under normal market conditions,  liquidity  problems are not observed à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Liquidity  risk  does not lend itself to readily usable measures à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Despite specific BIS recommendations,  liquidity  risk  management  is left out of capital adequacy calculations due to a lack of control and regulation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Liquidity  management is often confused with liquidity  risk  management à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Market and credit  risk  management  focus on assets, while  liquidity  risk can stem from liabilities as well Liquidity  risk  is also different in nature to market and credit  risk  and needs to be thought of differently; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Normal markets analyses (expected or going-concern situations) are insufficient; liquidity  risk  can only be understood with scenario-based stress testing à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Historical measures of  liquidity  are irrelevant; prospective views are essential à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Liquidity  risk  cannot be readily hedged, and can only be militated against through rigorous monitoring and controls à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The pricing of many instruments does not properly charge for  liquidity .